The socialist modus operandi is the same anywhere they haven't been unmasked and ousted yet (Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Andalusia):
1. Tax & Destroy any production process not associated with the State. Wipe out the private sector.
Create non productive, much less competitive, public companies. Take over mass media.
2. Impoverish people by paying them the minimum to get by, bring them to their knees and dumb them down with alcohol, fiesta and vagrancy so they become state-dependant. The trough is established: Public 'jobs' for their lackeys, unemployment compensation for the not so lucky, pointless 485 hr. courses on how to slice a ham, etc.
3. When and if a free election ever comes around, scare dumbed down voters with taking away their 'free benefits' (paid with somebody else's taxes).
And voilà! Resume plundering...
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